Category Archives: Bali Yoga Teacher Trainings

YTT Enquiry

5 Things They Don’t Tell You About Yoga Teacher Training

Here’s what they don’t tell you about Yoga Teacher Training There are so many yoga teacher training courses out there today (especially in Bali) making it next to impossible to figure out which one’s for you. No matter how much detail the course description provides or how many ex-trainees you contact to find out more, […]

Power of Now Oasis Yoga Teacher Training in Sanur Bali

How To Get a Yoga Teaching Job

We share the best ways to get a yoga teaching job So you’ve done your yoga teacher training, deepened your practice and now you’re ready to learn how to get a yoga teaching job. inverted and twisted and changed your perspective on life and the universe, and now you’re ready to find your first yoga […]

courage 4

Steps to Self-Awareness, Yoga and Trust

Exploring Self-Awareness and Building Trust Through Yoga   Inspired by an inversions class I took recently (from the amazing Jolie Manza), I thought the first blog post in this series should focus on an aspect of yoga that is relatively unexplored. Or at least, seriously underrated. What is the relationship between Yoga and Trust? There’s […]