After completing your 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training at Power of Now Oasis, several learning paths are available to continue your yoga teaching journey.
Explore these opportunities to find your ideal fit.
Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 200-Hour (E-RYT 200)
To attain certification as an Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher 200, you must first complete a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training registered with Yoga Alliance. After your training, you should have two years of teaching experience, with a minimum of 1,000 teaching hours. All 200 hours must be completed at the same school; hours from different trainings cannot be combined to meet the requirement. This course will deepen your understanding of yoga and establish you as a reputable teacher.

Registered Yoga Teacher 500-Hour (RYT 500)
You can choose to earn the title of Registered Yoga Teacher 500, which allows you to expand your knowledge of yoga’s various branches, class structures, philosophy, the business of yoga, meditation, and more. To achieve this certification, you must first complete a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training, followed by an additional 300-hour Yoga Teacher Training. These requirements can be fulfilled either at the same school or through a combination of accredited schools.

Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher 200-Hour (RCYT)
If you are passionate about yoga and child development, consider becoming a Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher. This program will provide insights into creating engaging and safe yoga classes for children, correcting poses for different age groups, and designing sequenced classes. To earn this certification, you must complete a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training along with a 95-hour Children’s Yoga Teacher Training. After completing the RCYT program, you are required to submit 30 hours of teaching to attain the title of Registered Children’s Yoga Teacher.

Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher (RPYT)
Enrolling in the Registered Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training will deepen your understanding of yoga’s impact on pregnancy, including safe practices, anatomy, and physiology. To become an RPYT, you need to complete both a 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training and an 85-hour Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training registered with Yoga Alliance. After completing these courses, you must submit 30 hours of prenatal yoga teaching with a Registered Prenatal Yoga School.

Discover, grow, and continue your education to deepen your practice. Power of Now Oasis is here to support your ongoing journey towards all your yoga goals.